0 Main Street  



Real Estate IRA






  Sales Brochure



Location:                   0 North Main Street, Holly Springs N.C. approximately 1.5 miles south  of Sunset Lake Rd. on left. Property is within City Limits of Holly Springs. Reference is made to Exhibit A for a map showing the approximate location of the Property.

 Land Area:                1.55 acres consisting of two parcels. 1.02 acres PIN#0649876251                                            and .53 acres PIN# 0649874214. See Exhibit B.

 Topography:               The Property is grade level along Main St. and generally on grade level through out the property with a slight drop off at the very rear of the site.  See Exhibit C.

 Frontage:                    140 feet road frontage on Main Street

 Area Development:   Subject property is in a general business. Other businesses include: Just Tires, Security Self Storage, Dominos Pizza, Sonic, and Food Lion. The Town Holly Springs has designated this area as a Community Growth center.      

 Community Growth Areas Defined

 Main Street and Ballentine Street is defined as the heart of Town or the “Village District” core. This CGA is one mile in diameter and would constitute a 25 minute walk from the outer areas to the community core. The community core is defined as half the size of the CGA. This is the traditional downtown area that will house most of the civic functions for the Town. Within this area Town Hall, Police Station, and Library and Cultural Center already have been established as those civic functions and a future Community Center should be located within the traditional core of downtown as well to further define the civic importance of this area. Other land uses within the Main Street and Ballentine Street area should be a mix of uses including high intensity business, commercial, and high density residential that will expand on the already built environment that will serve as the “Heart” of the Town. The mixture of uses within the core area should follow the following percentage as a guide for development within this area. The business and commercial uses should constitute a minimum of sixty - five (65) percent of the core area. The remaining thirty-five (35) percent will be residential. In October 2005, The Village District Area Plan was adopted for this area of Town and has been subsequently updated in 2007 and 2009. This plan addresses land uses and transportation elements for the area from Maple Street on the south to Third Street to the north. This plan is included as a part of Appendix 2 in this Plan.

  Zoning:                        The property is Zoned Local Business.  The LB Districts are                 established to promote a village oriented, pedestrian friendly environment for the provision of a full range of convenience goods and services, which are necessary to meet the  daily needs of nearby residential neighborhoods and to promote dwelling units located in the upper stories of mixed use buildings. Permitted uses within the LB  Districts are regulated in character to assure harmonious development with the nearby residential districts served and are limited in size and scale to promote pedestrian access.

                                     Uses include but are not limited to:  Automotive Sales & Service, Clothing Service, Educational Uses, Food Sales and Service, Restaurant,  Bed & Breakfast, Clinic – medical, dental or optometrists,  Free Standing; Bank / Savings & Loan, and more.  Please see the Holly Springs UDO for more detail.

 Utilities:                      An 8” Sanitary Sewer Easement runs along N. Main Street on the eastern side of the Property.  A 16" municipal water line runs along N. Main Street at the location.  There is also a 6” water line which runs down the north side of the property.  The Public Service Company of North Carolina has a gas main in place along Main Street.  Electricity and telephone service are available.

 Improvements:           None

 Tax Reference Map: Wake County Tax Map: 64902, REID: 60328 & 60327, PIN#'s: 64874214 & 649876251.

 Tax Value:                  $355,448

 Price:                          $330,000

 Terms:                        The owner is willing to accept this price subject to closing considerations.  Contact listing agent for details.

Nine Sages
608 Gaston Street
Raleigh, NC 27603
(919) 834-9299
(919) 832-7404 fax